
Showing posts from January, 2019
Gatsby Notes The great gatsby was published in 1925 the author died only selling around 2500 thinking the book was a big flop  It starts off with a guy named nick our narrator and a character in the book taking to the reader Jay gatsby the name of the main character  
Gatsby notes #2 What I found interesting about today’s read was that we really got to know who Tom really is. What I mean by that is we find out that he thinks the white race is superior and if they don’t do something about it they will fall as being superior. Another thing is we find out that he has a mistress in New York, we know this because the butler comes in saying there’s a woman on the phone.
20th century writing styles  Genre are types of categories  Naturalism Is described as a character being driven by forces beyond there control towards unavoidable events, usually not depicted as individuals with distinct interior worlds, most of the time lower class and dehumanized, naturalism also died around the early 40’s Realism depicts characters as psychological complex and a character of having individual worlds is not possible and are accountable for the choices they made and there actions are self determined Modernism is a third movement beginning to show its influence on the story 
Down the rabbit hole  While I was in class o was told to clock on one of the stories that were linked to the read we were assigned and write about which one was interesting to me, while I did as I was told because it is mandatory I clicked on how we humanize with each other why was it interesting to me, well just the title it self sounded interesting and it was one quote and it read “even in our darkes times we Have the right to expect illumination”, I just found it relatable and well I genuinely liked it.
The world is my library  As I went on to google and searched “ short stories by H.P. Lovecraft a top ten list showed up on hobbylark while I was reading the titles one short story in particular caught my attention that story was “The Lurking Fear”. It was interesting to me because it talked about how it was some of Lovecraft’s earliest phases of writing. The story goes on to be about how a nameless character goes on to investigate a series of rumors on tempest mountain 
How to get to Graceland  For me in my experience when it comes down to working with others, it never works out in the end I have to do the work of two people by myself. Ever since I realized that i always had to do the work of two I’ve just decided to not work with others, because when it comes down to it people are just in it for themselves. So yes I work better alone and what Paul Simon was able to accomplish is something very few people get to experience.