
Showing posts from May, 2019
Monkey see/hear/do The teaching method I’m most likely going to use to do my presentation is going to be visual and auditory. To use kinesthetic would be more difficult because most people would not not know how to use the tools properly. For visual I could print out pictures of jobs that I’ve done and explaining them
Brave new essay       The character that I thought fit the requirements that are; a character that conforms outwardly while still questioning inwardly is Lenina. So in the following paragraph(s) I will try to the best of my ability and knowing to explain why she fits the requirements.      In the novel the castes are raises fairly the same all of them where taught to hate books and flowers by sounding off a loud alarm when they where close to them. In there society they are taught that sleeping with different partners at a young age is normal, lenina would  contribute to this as well, but then she met Henry Foster she was with him for four months and only with him, when she told fanny about that, Fanny told her that that wasn’t right and telling her that what if Henry had been with other girls at the same time of them being together. This is the first piece of evidence where lenina starts her process of conforming outwardly, by only being with Henry instead of doing what she