Comparison Essay 

    Young Goodman Brown and Dream within A Dream are very alike. For example in both we don’t know what’s real and what’s just a dream. In Young Goodman brown he wakes up in the forest wondering if the witch meeting was real or not but if it was a Dream than it was an evil dream, and for dream within a dream it talks about not being able to remember what had happened so when it says that he is grasping it hard not to let the sand go but just couldn’t just like Goodman Brown when he wakes up in the forest and can’t remember if what happened was real or not. Another example in dream with in a dream it starts of with “take this kiss upon the brow, and in parting with your now” it is him leaving his dearest just like in Goodman Brown when Goodman Brown has to leave his faith to venture out. The last example on there comparison is in dream with in a dream it says “ all that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream” meaning that we don’t know what’s real and what’s not and that’s how it was in Goodman Brown how we didn’t know what was real and what was not and we’re just left with the curiosity of not knowing. That is how both Goodman Brown and dream within a dream are similar.


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