The makings of an essay 

           When ever I was assigned an essay I would get frustrated because I’d be like “damn when are they gonna end, don’t they know most students hate writing them.” Yeah sure I’d get like a C and on a good day I would get a B. But the thing that I would hate about it the most is when I would ask the teacher how many paragraphs I has to be they would respond with “ I’m not the one grading them, it will be a computer and to get a decent grade you need to get three bars out of four, and there are four of them that need to meet the requirements.” So me just listening to that would just be more stress because in my experience with that I would berely make the cut trying to beat the computer but everything about it was stressful on it’s own, because aside from that I still had homework from other classes. I guess I would rather write down everything on paper because at least then I would know that I could get a C maybe a B. Starting an essay is kind of the most challenging part because depending on the wording, grammar, neatness, and proper use of word is what most teachers grade you on because they could easily say “it’s not right” or “did not meet requirements.”
When I would sit down take my time word it right have proper punctuation and stay on the subject and still get a C it would just make me think “do I really need school?” That’s when I would just want to give up. But now I just need two more years and I’m out, so for now I’ll just put up with it.


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