Young Goodman Brown

          Young Goodman brown questions 

         1) I think that the reason why Hawthorn wrote this story was because he wants to show the dark side of people because no matter how religious you are or how much you appear to be a saint everyone has a dark side that they don’t want to show others 

          2) Young Goodman brown’s wife’s name fits her because whenever faith is mentioned it is talking about both his wife faith and his religious faith, so when it’s mentioned it has a double meaning. For example when told “you are late Goodman brown” he says “faith kept me back awhile” he is talking about how wife faith and his religious faith because he was double thing if he should even show up

          3) the pink ribbons in young Goodman brown represent faith his wife and how to him she is pure 

          4) Goodman brown was not dreaming it was all real why because it starts off with him leaving his home and towers the middle of the story it talks about witches which they could have put a spell that could have also meant why he was able to see the true evil in everyone after waking up in the forest 

         5) the old man in the story represents the devil because in the beginning or story he says “I helped your grandfather the constable, when he lashed the Quaker woman so smartly through the street of salam. And it was i that brought your father a pitch pine knot kindled at my own hearth, to set fire to an Indian village in king philips war”  because sine both were very proud of there religion they thought it was god commanding them but really it was the devil by there elbow. 

        6) the staff in the story is another representation of evil at the beginning but only because it is being held by the old man that is another representation of the devil but than when given the staff it is a way of support through his journey.

         7) if Goodman brown had stayed he would have not seen the people as he had seen them as if they were all evil and not at all pure he would have most likely seen them as just normal people with secrets that they didn’t want people to know about the also wouldnt have know that his father and grandfather were both commanded by the devil to do such evil things like lash a woman or burn an entire village he would have not known any of that.


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