Young Goodman Brown argument 

   In my opinion young Goodman brown was dreaming. Why because he was seeing thing that were being projected by the witch. For example he is greeted by an old man in the beginning of the story holding a cain that had a live snake wrapped around it from top to bottom that is only something that happens in a nightmare. Another thing is when the old man shows him the past with his grandfather and father he shows him how his grandfather lashed a woman in Salem the same place where women where trailed for witchcraft, Which everyone know is not real and before if you seemed suspicious or someone didn’t like you they would accuse you of witchcraft and then with his father how he handed him the pitch pine knot kindled that set a whole Indian village on fire and because they were very proud and religious men they thought it was gods doing. After that the old man points out that the old woman ahead of them and turns out it’s his old teacher and the old woman greets the old man as if she knew him which is when he finds out she went to hell again this is not realistic because no one knows what happens after death and in the story it’s played as if there was a heavin and hell. And by the end it’s him waking up in the forest dazed and confused and not being able to look people in the eye because of a dream he had where he finds out that no one is as pure as they appear to be and that everyone has a dark side that they don’t want anyone to find out about. So in all everything that he had experience was a dream and he is just overreacting to what had happened but still is kind of normal due to what he had dreamt, and I know I’m contradicting myself because I had said he is overreacting but go on to say it’s normal.


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