Big question: reaching out/ letter to mentor
My biggest question at the moment right now is will I ever got to work on cars with hygrolic suspension for living and restoring old cars. In other word ills Chavez is the person who could help me out with it. Chavez also known as “corny” in the lowrider community was a contact that a met when I was going to seventh grade he was also the person who took me to my first car show out of town and this is how the letter would go.
Q-vo Chavez,
How you doing Chavez it’s me Junior, i know that you’re really well known in the lowrider community and all the stories that you’ve told me about all the cars that you restored and hopped in competitions and won. I was wondering if you could teach me more about how to set up a car on hygrolics as in what is nessesary what type of pump,dumps,batteries,switches, and how to reinforce the car so the spindles don’t brake on the fist go. I’m coming to you for help because I’ve seen your work and what you can do and I was wondering if you could help me out with that .
Well pues, al rato
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