Vocabulary #1

Meme- a meme is something funny, offensive, cringy, gory
                         In the form of a picture, comic, or video

Virus - a virus is something that all electrical devices could get if 
                        there not on secure browser causing the device to load slow,
                        glitch out, or worse you get you account hacked into

Viral-  when a person goes viral it could be because of a good thing 
                      or a bad thing they did, most who go viral like it because they 
                      like the recognition but the others don’t because they end up as
                      a living meme

Blog- a blog is a type of online journal or diary that people put up so 
                    others can read, some do it so they could vent, others do it so people
                    could read about there “interesting life” they live and brag, others also
                    do it so they could help out others when feeling low and let them know
                    that they are not alone 

Wiki- when in doubt you google it and most of the time the first thing to show 
                    show up is an article on Wikipedia most say it’s not a reliable source mainly 
                    because anyone can go in and change the facts 
URL- a url is an online thing that is uesed to easily find a web page. For example
                    the most common way that people use a url for is downloading music.

Website- a website is an online page that is used for numerous things, one form
                              of use is to advertise a business that would be to inform people of what
                             there business is about or that they sell ect.

Www- www is the firs thing that goes on before the address, it also stands for
                        World Wide Web.

Internet- the internet is the platform that connects everyone no matter how far
                       someone is from the other person near or far they will eventually connect

2.0-  2.0 means that it is the second version of the original most of the time it means 
                that it is a better new and improved version either being more advanced or has 
                had the bugs it used to have fixed 

Open source- open source means that the information that you’re looking for
                                             is free and open to the public to view at any time


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