
Showing posts from November, 2018
F451 and Me My first connection that I can make with book is when the story is being told about the power going out when he was a kid just him and his mom seeing the stars light up the night instead of just seeing the orange glow from nearby lights, I too have an experience like that but instead of being with someone I was by myself we were up north by Morgan Hill the lights had gone out and it was just me because the rest of my family had gone out, so next thing you know the lights go out keep in mind I’m about 9 or 10 years old so I didn’t know what to do so I just waited outside board out of my mind I turn to my left I see darkness I turn to my right also more darkness and just for the hell of it I look up and to my surprise I see a sky full of stars I was something I had never seen before because back home the town was so light polluted that you weren’t able to see as much after 20 minutes the lights go back on, it was nice while it lasted,  My second connection is
Breaking the law It’s not right to break the law when it’s something you want because there’s a difference between want and need, everyone wants a phone, everyone wants that that cool shirt or jeans that you se at the store, but you don’t really need it you just want it. But when it is right is when it’s something that you really need for example everyone need food in there stomach, when you live the type of life where you don’t know if you’ll have enough money to buy food for your family, that’s when it’s right to break the law 
Story of my life My life began a car, not just any car but a 1958 murcury. I was about 8 at the time when my dad comes home with an old car rusty, lowerd and the interior need a bit of a fix up, time goes by and it just sits in the drive way for about 2 months when my dad finally decides to restore it. Everyday when he would get back from work he would work on it I would help him sand it down, pass him the tools he needed and more, time goes by and it’s ready for the paint job, it was a beautiful deep blue with metal flakes and a glossy white roof, it was sitting on 14 inch rims with 3 inch white walls, when it was all finished we would go cruising every Sunday night going all over town, but one day a guy saw it and loved it he offed us 50k though it was a tough decision my dad said ok and two days later it was gone but soon after we got another project and started on it. That is the story of my life buying cars restoring them and selling them.
In Thoreau’s words “The language of friendship is not words but meanings”  here he is saying that anyone can say something but a real friend will mean it, for example people will always be your friend when you have money and leave when you blow through it but a real friend was there before the money was there and after the money is gone  “I am greatful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is prepetual”  when he say he is greatful for who he is and what he has he means that he doesn’t he more he is fine with what he has and when he says his thanksgiving is prepetual it means it’s never ending because he is always thankful for what he has “It is never to late to change your prejudice” Here he is saying no matter how old you are it is never to late to change your way of judging people before you really get to know them, this is something society has been doing for many many years and he is saying it is never to late to change your ways