20 questions 

1) Ray Bradbury probably chose that title because Clarisse is the salamander, she started the fire in Mantag, and Montag would be the hearth the floor for the fire.
2) Here he is portrayed as a person who only sees the bad in the world, because when he say “to see things eaten” he is referring to the fire that would engulf the object that he is seeing.
3) he chose to say python instead of hose because he wanted to bring fear, the hose no longer puts out the fire but instead it helps the fire grow that is why he says “with this great python spitting it’s venomous kerosene upon the world”
4) the symbolic reference to that is that that’s his job to start fires and that that is the temperature that paper burns at, (also that’s part of the name of this book)
5) when clarisse is firs introduced he describes her as if she had changed the wind with a special calm as if she was waiting for him, like as if she brought relaxation to him.
6) the name clarisse is significant because it means bright shining and gentle, guy is significant because it means to ridicule.
7) when clarisse asks mantag if he’s happy she says it in a curious was not a threatening way or a way to make him feel bad about himself but in a way of just simple innocence, but after she said that montag was in a way of not expecting that so he was thrown off making think was if he was truly happy or not.
8) one of the three things we leaned about clarisse and the odd society is that she is not afraid of  firemen like the rest of society because she knows that they are just men after all, the second thing we learn is that it’s against the law for people to read books so that’s why montag doesn’t read any of them before he burns them, and the last is that before firemen would put out the fires instead of being the ones to start them.
9) montag smiles at clarisse because that is the only time he is genuinely happy and not having to force himself to smile and feels a sigh of relief.
10) montag realizes that he is not truly happy with his life because he has never had an interaction like he just had with clarisse.
11) the seashells are a representation of earphones and how earphones cut people off from interacting with others and communicating with people.
12) when clarisse is first introduced he goes into deep detail from he color of her face to the motion of her hands as she walked, but with Mildred he described her as having two moonstones for eyes just lifeless.
13) the machine that brought back Mildred from the dead was described as a black cobra that sucked out all the melancholy that Mildred and everyone that ever tryed to end there life with pills.
14)  when montag says that “nobody knows anyone” he is saying that people have stopped interacting so much to the point where now you don’t really know anyone anymore and are just familiar faces without a story.
15) when montag is just staring at clarisse’s home the contrast between his house and hers is that her house was well lit, alive and full of laughter, while montage was dead literally and figuratively.
16) when montag says he doesn’t know anyone any more he means that you never truly know anyone until they do something you think they would’ve never done and your image of them changes.
 17) onece Mildred wakes up from the morning after she had overdosed she seems to not remember because montag finds her in the kitchen eating as if nothing had happened.
18) clarisse visits a psychiatrist because he thinks that clarisse is not like the others because she would rather know more about someone else that to talk about herself
19) the hound is a robotic dog that can sniff out books and can burn down houses basically very threatening just by it looking at you.


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