What’s so great about gatsby 

Was Gatsby even great yes and no. Yes because twords the end of the book when daisy killed toms mistress on accident he took the blame and paid the price with his life, and the no reasoning is because we really didn’t know a lot about him, he only took the blame because he loved daisy but if it were to have been someone else he wouldn’t have taken the blame he would have still be alive in the end. If it would’ve been nick I don’t think gatsby would’ve takes the blame. And speaking of nick, he opens the book by saying he’s an honest person but is he really, just look at the people he hangs out with. Rich snobby people who only care about themselves. And the way Fitzgerald described them is on point saying things like they were careless people and amhow they would always return back to their money. I think what he meant by that is that whenever you have money it doesn’t matter what you do because to them any type of fine is nothing major. And daisies character personality is the young and foolish type. She doesn’t like to think for herself and wants others to do it for her, I wouldn’t let anyone I know date her because should would most likely fool around while being with the person I know. “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back creaselessly into the past” I think that that fits in to the book because the fun is over now they have to work for what they want they have now stopped going with the current, now there against it.


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