
Showing posts from September, 2018
Comparison Essay      Young Goodman Brown and Dream within A Dream are very alike. For example in both we don’t know what’s real and what’s just a dream. In Young Goodman brown he wakes up in the forest wondering if the witch meeting was real or not but if it was a Dream than it was an evil dream, and for dream within a dream it talks about not being able to remember what had happened so when it says that he is grasping it hard not to let the sand go but just couldn’t just like Goodman Brown when he wakes up in the forest and can’t remember if what happened was real or not. Another example in dream with in a dream it starts of with “take this kiss upon the brow, and in parting with your now” it is him leaving his dearest just like in Goodman Brown when Goodman Brown has to leave his faith to venture out. The last example on there comparison is in dream with in a dream it says “ all that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream” meaning that we don’t know what’s real an
A dream within a dream response I found the poem interesting because it’s questioning what is real and what is just a dream and how he talks about the sand slipping through his hand and is trying hard not to let it happen it’s just a representation of when we dream and we can’t remember it and we’re trying hard to remember but can’t. 
Today in class While I was in Dr. Preston’s class today learned a little bit more about young Goodman brown because when I read the story by myself it was a difficult to understand some of the words. When he read one of the paragraphs I at that moment realized that he had lost his faith and that it also had a double meaning he had lost his religious faith because everyone who where supposed to be role models tuned out to be evil. That is what I leaned today
Young Goodman Brown argument     In my opinion young Goodman brown was dreaming. Why because he was seeing thing that were being projected by the witch. For example he is greeted by an old man in the beginning of the story holding a cain that had a live snake wrapped around it from top to bottom that is only something that happens in a nightmare. Another thing is when the old man shows him the past with his grandfather and father he shows him how his grandfather lashed a woman in Salem the same place where women where trailed for witchcraft, Which everyone know is not real and before if you seemed suspicious or someone didn’t like you they would accuse you of witchcraft and then with his father how he handed him the pitch pine knot kindled that set a whole Indian village on fire and because they were very proud and religious men they thought it was gods doing. After that the old man points out that the old woman ahead of them and turns out it’s his old teacher and the ol
Young Goodman B rown Questions            Young Goodman brown questions           1) I think that the reason why Hawthorn wrote this story was because he wants to show the dark side of people because no matter how religious you are or how much you appear to be a saint everyone has a dark side that they don’t want to show others            2) Young Goodman brown’s wife’s name fits her because whenever faith is mentioned it is talking about both his wife faith and his religious faith, so when it’s mentioned it has a double meaning. For example when told “you are late Goodman brown” he says “faith kept me back awhile” he is talking about how wife faith and his religious faith because he was double thing if he should even show up           3) the pink ribbons in young Goodman brown represent faith his wife and how to him she is pure            4) Goodman brown was not dreaming it was all real why because it starts off with him leaving his home and towers the
CFA #1      In the article when they described the man as an “illegal immigrant from Mexico” that was uncalled for, because no one is illegal borders were just made separate people because one person does not like another person making them tell superior to the other. So when I hear the word “illegal immigrant” as a way to put someone down,it just ticks me off. But the way the writer worded the article was written in a was to say that all immigrants are bad people and this is another way of making people afraid of Mexicans, by giving them a bad reputation. Though there is still people that believe that Mexicans aren’t bad people because they are opened minded and not as ignorant it’s the others that try to brainwash them into thinking they are. 
The makings of an essay             When ever I was assigned an essay I would get frustrated because I’d be like “damn when are they gonna end, don’t they know most students hate writing them.” Yeah sure I’d get like a C and on a good day I would get a B. But the thing that I would hate about it the most is when I would ask the teacher how many paragraphs I has to be they would respond with “ I’m not the one grading them, it will be a computer and to get a decent grade you need to get three bars out of four, and there are four of them that need to meet the requirements.” So me just listening to that would just be more stress because in my experience with that I would berely make the cut trying to beat the computer but everything about it was stressful on it’s own, because aside from that I still had homework from other classes. I guess I would rather write down everything on paper because at least then I would know that I could get a C maybe a B. Starting an essay is kind of the